Richard Parnell


Richard lives creativity and generosity.  An Assistive Technology provider since 1999, he provided seating services and designed custom adaptations for individuals with disabilities.  He was one of professionals involved in testing Mount'n Mover prototypes before we had a product.

Richard is one of the MM builders and he helps with custom designs and brainstorming new products as well. 

In addition to his work at BlueSky Designs. Richard works with the Minneapolis and St. Paul schools and their Assistive Technology teams.

When he's not at BlueSky Designs:

  • he travels to other countries and provide seating services and develop the local capacity to do so.
  • Polar
  • Makes art from unusable Mount'n Mover parts
  • Habitat Ride bicycling XXX miles, and building a home
  • Cycles to work, with his bicycle adorned with feathers

Upcoming Events

Please refer to the fly-out menu under Community > Events for all our upcoming events and conferences.

Our Team

Peter Loeffler

President / Owner

Betsy Von Duyke


Dianne Goodwin

Dianne Goodwin

Retired / Founder

Richard Parnell


Salvador Sanchez

Salvador Santibanez Sanchez


Tom Dziuk

Inventory and Purchasing Manager