Getting to know your floor stand

The Mount'n Mover Floor Stand positions devices anywhere from six inches to six feet off the floor.

Simply remove your Mount'n Mover from your wheelchair or table mount and insert it into the Floor Stand!

Once the Floor Stand is set, it takes seconds to attach your Mount'n Mover. No tools required.

Floor Stand Directions

Angle adjustment

Adjust the post angle of the Floor Stand 10° in either direction to achieve desired device positioning.

Floor stand 0 angle
Find the adjustment bolt on the silver plate--the one in a curved slot.
Adjust floor stand angle
Using a 3/16" Hex Key, loosen that bolt. (you may have to also loosen the accompanying bolt slightly).
Adjust floor stand angle
With the device attached to the Mount'n Mover, adjust the device to the desired position. While supporting the Mount' Mover, adjust the Floor Stand post angle to best suit your needs.
Tighten the floor stand
Once you have the desired position, tighten both adjustment bolts.

Height Adjustability and Range

There are two telescoping post elements in the Floor Stand:

  • Floor Stand Post 
    (telescopes within the Upright Rail)
  • Mount'n Mover post 
    (telescopes from the Floor Stand Post)

The Floor Stand post clamp allows you to insert the post attached to your Mount' Mover (the same one used for a wheelchair mount).

This makes it easy to move your Mount'n Mover from the wheelchair or table clamp to the Floor Stand without any additional adjustments.

The additional height adjustment makes it easy to accommodate a variety of needs, from access in a bed, recliner, wheelchair, the floor, or a standing position.

High Positions (24" - 72")

The Mount' Mover is generally attached to the top of the post for higher positioning.

For use in higher positions, the post is inserted into the Floor Stand clamp from above.
Height adjustments are made at either the Upright Rail or the Floor Stand clamps.

Floor stand high position 1
Floor stand high position 2
Floor stand high position 3

Low Positions (6" - 24")

To set the Floor Stand for lower positions, the post is set so it comes above the Mount'n Mover arms, up through the Link (see photo).

In this case, the post is inserted into the Floor Stand clamp from below, enabling positioning of the Mount'n Mover from the floor level to the Floor Stand clamp.

TIP: It is easiest to adjust the height when the device (majority of the weight) is positioned as close as possible to the Upright Rail.

Floor stand low position
Floor stand low position

Relocating: From Wheelchair To Floor Stand

You can easily move your mount and device from your wheelchair (or table clamp) to the Floor Stand, no tools required.

No need to get two separate mounting systems!



Because the Mount'n Mover is so flexible, there are areas it can reach that may make the Floor Stand systems unstable, particularly when a heavy device set at a very high position and extended outside the wheel and caster base.

Stay within the wheel and caster "footprint".

You should be safe if you avoid using the device in the area in red. In this area, there is an increased risk for tipping.

Maximum Height

Please also keep in mind that there is a "height limit" built into the floor stand post.
If it does not extend any further, it has likely reached its maximum height.