Catalina, Kindergartener
Catalina recently celebrated her fifth birthday dancing her heart out as a princess.
The hyper-social Kindergartener loves school, princesses, pink things, dancing and all music (especially Taylor Swift).
Catalina (Cata) enjoys cycling with dad in an adapted stroller and spending time with her brother and sister.
Cata has Rett Syndrome which limits her hand mobility and speech. To encourage optimal learning and communication through her Tobii Eyegaze, Cata’s parents got the Mount’n Tilter and floor stand.
“We use it every day. It’s really her primary tool to prop her communication device,” dad says. The set-up allows Cata to quickly and easily communicate anywhere at any time.
"She loves her Mount'n Mover products!"
Cata also enjoys Chipotle and Bob the Builder. Luckily Chipotle is an easy visit with the Mount’n Tilter table stand to bring her “voice” along. “The Mount’n Tilter has been incredible for us to take it to more places.”
"Your creations positively impact our daughter every day, and we thank you again for creating such amazing tools."
“Dianne and the crew are just really awesome and creative and have been really helpful to our family.”