Custom fabrication


Wheelchairs and speech devices are changing all the time. We try, but cannot keep up with everything. Luckily, there are people who can customize and adapt to these unsolved problems.  Occupational therapists, Rehab Engineers, Assistive Technology Professionals and wheelchair vendors are great resources. For an ATP near you, check out RESNA. Enlist those on your team with skills--relatives and school staff can help.

If you can find someone who is able and willing to drill some holes, we can help you figure out how to get it done!

BlueSky Designs does not shy away from custom jobs. After all, our founder is a Rehab Engineer. Our designs, including the Mount'n Mover, started as "custom" for a specific person.

Our team is happy to cut down a tray, add edges to a tray or build one from scratch to suit your needs. The examples below are a couple of examples where we've slightly modified commercial products to make them work for our customers.

Example 1:  Drill holes in frame or tray
Example 2:  Drill holes in adapter plate to match existing frame

Holes drilled into Rifton frame

Measure correct distance
Attach plate (AP4 shown)
Second bolt through existing hole
Plate attached

Holes drilled through tray

Drill holes in tray and mount plate
Add LAE plate (note custom cut in LAE plate)
Attach wheelchair bracket to LAE plate
Mount'n Mover attached to tray
Tray tilted to the side

Holes drilled through frame


Custom  holes drilled through frame                                  Custom holes drilled through armrest